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Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group

SWAAG Honorary President: 
Tim Laurie FSA
Landowners: Representatives of James Clarkson
Record Number TownshipOccupiersPlan NumberLand DescriptionState of CultivationAcresRent to VicarImproprieters Rent
 acre:rood:perch £-s-d £-s-d
 2875 MelbecksRepresentatives of James Clarkson, S Robinson554Dwelling House and Garth00:00:08
 2876 MelbecksRepresentatives of James Clarkson557Piece00:00:11
 2877 MelbecksRachael Simpson561Dwelling house etc.00:00:04
 2878 MelbecksRachael Simpson562Garden00:00:02
 2879 MelbecksRepresentatives of James Clarkson564Blades GarthGrass01:01:300-0-90-1-4
 2880 MelbecksSimon Robinson566PieceGrass00:01:260-0-20-0-3
 2881 MelbecksRachael Simpson625Great Cow GarthGrass03:00:330-1-60-2-6
 2882 MelbecksRepresentatives of James Clarkson626Gill CloseGrass02:00:270-1-00-1-8
 2883 MelbecksRepresentatives of James Clarkson636Little RiddingGrass02:02:000-1-20-1-10
 2884 MelbecksRachael Simpson637Middle Ridding or BootGrass02:00:300-1-00-1-8
 2885 MelbecksRepresentatives of James Clarkson638Boot FootGrass00:01:110-0-20-0-3
 2886 MelbecksSimon Robinson571IngGrass02:02:210-1-30-2-0
 2887 MelbecksSimon Robinson572Potatoe Piece00:00:10
 3864 MelbecksSummary15:0:130-7-00-11-6

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You are free to use SWAAG's Archival Digital content with acknowledgment to SWAAG and the North Yorkshire County Council Records Office.

Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (England & Wales) Number 1155775 SWALEDALE AND ARKENGARTHDALE ARCHAEOLOGICAL GROUP